(BPBM) Setup

Here’s what we’re going to focus on – small and versatile general purpose MCU


For starters, you need two things:

  • STM32F103C8T6 (bluepill, our target)
  • ST-LINK programmer (for flashing and debugging)

The latter can be purchased as a standalone device. If you happen to have stm32 nucleo board somewhere in the drawer, I have good news – it has built-it st-link programmer attached to it.

Here’s how to hook it up:

To make sure our OS is able to recognise it, install stlink programming toolset and make sure it can be globally accessed by adding it to environment variables (windows) or ~/.bashrc (linux). Now, connect your programmer with USB and try the following command:

st-info --probe

If you get similar result:

This means we can continue

Compiler and debugger

In order to generate binary files for ARM architecture we need GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain. It allows us to perfom cross-compilation – generating assembly instructions suitable for target other than one we’re currently at (Windows/Linux etc.). Additionally, it ships with debugger we’re going to use (GDB) and a bunch of other useful tools. Go ahead and download it. Next, add make the “bin” folder accessible globally (just like st-link suite discussed above)

We’re done!

Next -> Overview of ARM Architecture




